Saturday, July 26, 2008

you're no bunny til some bunny loves you.........I love my Mama

I love my mama so much.....she says that we are meant to be 2gether!! SHe loves me and I love her and thats it plain and simple xoxo

Gillian finally better!!! by Ginger Lynn Diva~~Jan 26, 2008

update 1/26/2008 this picture above is recent from Christmas 2007
Gillian is much healthier now, we actually almost lost her. She was very sick and the vet said it was where she came from….Denning Farms in Iowa..he said is probably a puppy mill. Growing up she had problems with her tendons in her legs, mites in her nose, problems with her intestines and we spent a lot of money to keep her alive. It’s worth it because we love but its wrong for breeders like this to keep doing it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Her doctor said we are not out of the woods either , he said her legs can get worse with age….oh my! thats all folks Memelynn, Ginger Lynn and Gillian Ann

Yippee we saved my baby sissy Gillian........July 2006

I’m really excited ’cause this weekend I will be meeting my new sister (for the first time) Gillian Ann. She’s 3 months old and lives like 5 states away. Finally, a little play mate…She looks like me too…my mama photo shopped her in the above picture!!!

Update....we picked up Miss GIllian from Grandma and Grandpa, they had to get her from the airport in Cali.....Everything sounds normal right??? NO, we paid a lot for Gillian and she came to us very sick. She supposedly came from a reputable breeder called Denning Puggles!!

Denning Farm Puggles, Denning Puggles, Denning Farm Puppies, Denning Puggle….. please read this!!!!!…..Gillian in purple I am in Pink…By Ginger Lynn Diva and Gingysmama/Gillysmama
My sister came from a farm in Iowa..well that’s what they said anyway. She had kennel cough for 4weeks, mites, and was very sick and ate her feces. We still have to watch her (at 6months of age)to make sure she’s doesn’t eat it. The Vet basically said she was malnurished and probably ate poop because she wasn’t fed…Careful where you get your puppy from..

My first Birthday/Barkday Party!!! By Ginger Lynn Diva~~August 2006

August 16, 2006

Ginger Lynn the pup Diva. My mom says “Diva” because I get everything I want and I have “it” (you know) when you just know you’re a princess. So, It’s my birthday in like 5 days and I’m having a big blow out party!! All my cousins will be there and my daddy bought me the most beautiful bed and 3 of worlds cutest dresses!!! My mom will be making pupcakes!! Yummers!!!

note from Charlie!! Jan 29, 2007

charlie says: January 29th, 2007 at 7:27 pm
Hi Gingy!!
I miss you. Hope to see you soon. I have to go to the doctor tomorrow because my eye is bothering me.Tell Gilly Hi!Love,Charlie

Ginger Lynn at 4mos..Most favorite cute

Look at my fancy pose lol.....I mean BoL

GingerLynn and Charlie Boy….Ging and Gill playing.. Oct 25, 2006

So this is before I lost that last 2 lbs..right now I’m at 25 lbs and feel so much better. I can run faster, I’m less tired and have more energy.
Top : Me and GIlly playin
Middle: Me being the glamour gal that I am
BOttom: Me and Charlie BOy fighting for Babas attention